Thursday, July 12, 2012

Life's Work

Yesterday I went to a funeral.  It was an opportunity to get some comfort and closure after the sudden death of a colleague who I liked and admired, and even more to be present with dear Heidi as she mourned the loss of her dear cousin.

The first time I met the Rev. Dr. Todd Murken I was nervous, in part, because I knew there were several issues we disagreed completely on.  Instead of getting into that at our first meeting, we focused on what we had in common: Heidi, how amazing she is, and how much we love her. On that, we could unequivocally agree. 

joked in previous posts that my most recent blog post--the 7 month round-up epic--was my "life's work."  I've been thinking about that phrase a lot since then.

In so many ways, it feels like his life's work was cut short.  It feels unreal, unfair, and just plain wrong. 

But I've also been thinking about baptism--we had two at Redeemer on Sunday.  Baptism means that every day we die to sin and rise to new life with Christ.  That's our life's work.  And Todd put his heart and soul into that life's work every day.  When I went to his casket and saw the sign of the cross marked on his forehead, it struck me that his life's work continues into his new life, his eternal life.

I got home from the funeral around 7 pm and Walter latched with the joy and fervor of a thousand hungry babies. When he finished, he looked up at me with a mischievous little smile and slowly opened his fist.  There was a single piece of Kix cereal in there.  He held it up and beamed proudly as he popped it in his mouth, giving a pleased little giggle as he chewed.  Cereal and milk.  What a smart baby!  And it made me remember: when I told him that Sean and I were expecting a baby, Todd was so pleased and so glad for us.  "These will be the happiest days of your life," he said. 

I unequivocally agree.

1 comment:

Mom said...
